This past Memorial Day weekend my tail could not stop wagging as I heard nothing but positive things about the May 23 reception that Waymo sponsored on Capitol Hill. I understand that many, including Congressman Bob Latta from Ohio, were intrigued by the Waymo autonomous vehicle on display at the event.
I can’t thank enough the Waymo Federal Policy and Government Affairs team for making all the arrangements, including the invitation to BVA’s National Executive Director Don Overton to say a few words at the event about those who have sacrificed their lives in defense of the nation’s freedoms.
While I would love to have guided my dad, Sheldon McKinney, and ridden an autonomous vehicle in the Nation’s Capital, please don’t feel too sorry for me! This coming week I will do just that in sunny Phoenix, Arizona, as I share a little spotlight with fellow Ambassadogs Donald (Teresa Galgano) and Kent (Rob Sanchas).
At this next Waymo event we will participate in a video shoot that will focus on our roles as Ambassadogs and the potential independence Waymo vehicles can offer our parents, as we guide them in and out of the vehicles. We will demonstrate how fully autonomous ride-hailing operations enable people with disabilities to ride without discrimination and to ride knowing they will have a consistent and predictable experience. Our paws may be tested a bit on those scorchingly hot sidewalks and asphalt of Phoenix, but I have confidence that all will go well.
How I’ve enjoyed serving as the May Ambassadog for BVA Happenings! I now toss the frisbee on to my close friend Leela (Larry Harper). She will be your source of abundant information for the month of June and provide the needed momentum leading up to the BVA 79th National Convention.