Upcoming Website Updates
The BVA.org website will be experiencing updates in how we present information to you. Some sections of the website may experience breaking changes / faults throughout these updates. We apologize for any inconveniences you may face throughout this time. We hope you will continue to support us and work with us while we do our best to serve you better.
Skiing Blind
Check out our latest “Skiing Blind” video!
Blinded Veterans Association Expands Criteria for Organization Membership
Any person having honorably served, or currently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, qualifying for Department of Veterans Affairs Blind Rehabilitation Service is now eligible for membership in BVA…
Curious about Winter’s End? Watch Punxsutawney Phil at Sunrise This Sunday
Winter 2025 has, to this point, been a colder and harsher season than the winters of recent years, at least in and around BVA National Headquarters in the Mid-Atlantic region of the country. Could the elements be tempered somewhat and bring an early spring? For an answer, check in with the semi-mythical, legendary groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil. He will be awakened early on Groundhog Day, February 2, to view, or perhaps fail to view, his
Four Chaplains Day, Largely Unheralded, Recalls Highest in Selfless Sacrifice
This Monday, February 3, marks the 82nd anniversary of the sinking of the United States Army Transport (USAT) Dorchester at the height of World War II. Four Chaplains Day commemorates numerous legendary acts of heroism by four U.S. Army Chaplains who found themselves together onboard, all representing different faiths but united in purpose. In all likelihood but still not entirely certain, the feats of the four Chaplains consumed little more than an hour aboard the
BVA Auxiliary Revives Renee Feldman Scholarship Program
The BVA Auxiliary (BVAA) Scholarship Committee has reinstated the organization’s annual scholarship program to benefit spouses and generational children (child, grandchild, great-grandchild) of current or deceased BVA members. Effective for semesters during 2025-26, two $2,000 Feldman awards and one valued at $1,500 are open to full-time students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours during the academic year at an accredited vocational and/or technical school, community college, college, or university. The applications are available via
Black History Month and Our Nation’s Veterans
February is recognized and observed annually as Black History Month. Throughout the month, the National Veterans Memorial and Museum in Columbus, Ohio, is sharing the experiences, challenges and triumphs of Black American veterans by telling their stories. The memorial and museum honor these veterans for their courage, sacrifice, and perseverance, and thanks them for preserving American freedoms. African American veterans fought our country’s wars even when they had to battle for the right to do