red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Convention attendees recognized the legacy of BVA’s first National Chaplain (1946-1971) and blind rehabilitation pioneer Thomas J. Carroll while receiving inspired direction from BVA member and guest speaker Matthew R. Bradford, USMC (Ret). Matthew invited BVA members to “love being blind” and to share that passion with others. Reader’s Digest Grant Program Manager Dianna Kelly-Naghizadeh also described a recent grant awarded to BVA’s Ambassador Program. Annual award winners announced at the luncheon are listed below.

  • Trailblazer Award: Matthew Bradford
  • Melvin J. Maas Award for Professional Achievement: Stephen Butler
  • Irving Diener Award: Eduardo Miranda
  • David L. Schnair Award: Yoneka Trent
  • Distant Darling Award: Brenda McDaniel
  • Superstar Award 1: Dianna Kelly-Naghizadeh, Grant Program Manager, Reader’s Digest
  • Superstar Award 2: Irena Howard
  • Recruiter of the Year Award: Yoneka Trent
  • Gold Gavel Incentive Award (numerical membership increase): Carolina Regional Group
  • Silver Gavel Incentive Award (percentage membership increase): Georgia Regional Group
  • Eschenbach Optik of America Angel Sponsorships presented by Tim Gels and Jenna Jonke: Klinton Anselm (New York Regional Group) and Manuel Guisa (Southern California Regional Group)