red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Tune into an inspiring look at the impactful work performed behind the scenes to support our nation’s heroes. In the latest episode of Visions of BVA released August 1, host Steve Baskis sits down with BVA National Service Director Duayne Driscoll, National Service Officer Scott Quinlan, and National Program Coordinator Vernon Humphrey to discuss BVA’s Veterans Service Program and Ambassador Program. The focus of the podcast is their critical contributions to the success of each program.

Discover how these dedicated professionals navigate Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) systems, streamline claims processes, and provide invaluable support to blind and low vision veterans, their families, and their caregivers.

Initiated on March 15 of this year, Visions of BVA presents new opportunities to dive deep into our inspiring stories, accounts of resilience, and the achievements of blind and low vision veterans. Each episode, released on the 1st and 15th of each month, features interviews, discussions on life-changing technology, and glimpses into the BVA community. Summer episodes have featured the audio version of a recent issue of The Bulletin on July 15, OrCam’s Michelle Mendez on July 1, and National President Paul Mimms on June 15.

Visions of BVA is currently accessible via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and the Visions of BVA homepage. To access this week’s episode and all previous episodes, click on the buttons below.

Keep a lookout for new podcast releases every 1st and 15th of every month. Click on the button below to read more.