Please join us on Wednesday, May 22, at 2:00pm Eastern Time for the next in a series of BVA National Convention virtual Town Halls. The upcoming meeting, accessible via Zoom, will provide BVA members, families, and friends with the latest news and information to assist them in the planning process.
Specifically, attendees will be provided with the following:
- Overview of the 79th National Convention, including important dates, events, and registration.
- Explanation of available offsite activities courtesy of American Council of the Blind Convention Chair Janet Dickelman.
- Opportunity to ask questions of BVA national officers and staff.
- Upcoming deadlines and key actions to be taken prior to the convention.
The Town Hall is open to everyone! Whether you are a BVA member, veteran, or simply interested in learning more, we encourage you to attend. Use the link or other joining information below to enter the meeting. The meeting ID and password are the same recently used at the same hour for the VetTech Weekly Wednesday Webinar.
The Blinded Veterans Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: BVA 79th National Convention Town Hall (overview of convention activities)
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 2:00pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 2590 9913
Passcode: 1945
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