red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Two Historical Highlights Recognizing BVA

At various points during its 79-year history BVA and its members have received special recognition from the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. One of the more noteworthy, 15 years ago, acknowledged the anniversary of BVA’s founding while the other occurred during one of the six national conventions held in or near the Nation’s Capital. On April 7, 2010, President Barack Obama signed House Resolution 80 congratulating BVA on its 65th anniversary. The […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

OrCam to Assume Spotlight at Next Week’s VetTech Webinar

Please join the VetTech and Educational Series Team next Wednesday, July 24, at 3:00pm Eastern Time as Michelle Mendez, National Sales Director for OrCam, returns to the Weekly Webinar. Michelle will highlight the OrCam Read 3 that is now accompanied by an AI-powered Smart Reading Magnifier and featured in the Exhibit Hall at the recent BVA 79th National Convention. OrCam Technologies was founded in 2010 with the goal of empowering people who are blind, visually […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Happy Independence Day 2024 from the Blinded Veterans Association

Another Independence Day is upon us, a holiday that I look forward to more than any other! I enjoy the summer reunions with family and friends, and the many festivities that go along with this special day in our nation’s history. This year I have the privilege of spending the holiday in Jacksonville, Florida, as we prepare for BVA’s 79th National Convention, which kicks off this coming weekend. I consider Independence Day, or the Fourth […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

VA Aims to Expand and Improve Suicide Prevention Strategies

Through cooperative agreements to better publicize veteran suicide prevention strategies, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced this week $10 million in new funding and technical assistance for eligible states, territories, and Tribal governments to establish, coordinate, and manage suicide mortality review committees. For more information on the funding, click on the button below. The committees identify and characterize suicide deaths, bringing about an increase in understanding of suicide in a given local community, identification […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Highlight July 16 on Your Calendar for Next Dog Handlers Meeting

Join the virtual meeting of the Dog Handlers Outreach Program scheduled for Tuesday, July 16, at 4:00pm Eastern Time via Zoom as attendees recap the BVA 79th National Convention. Plans for other activities, including a guest speaker, are also in the works by Program Chair Michaun Harrison and will be announced as the date approaches. Although the meeting is still three weeks away, the button below and additional joining information here will serve as your […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Women Veterans Outreach Program to Brainstorm Upcoming Activities

The BVA Women Veterans Outreach Program will meet via Zoom next Thursday, June 27, at 6:00pm Eastern Time. The meeting will be conducted in the format of a roundtable in which participants will share ideas and suggestions for upcoming meetings and activities for the next fiscal year beginning July 1. Bring a few of those creative ideas with you to the meeting!  All blind and low vision women veterans are encouraged to attend this Thursday […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

WayAround Highlights Next Week’s VetTech

Join the Blinded Veterans Association’s VetTech Team for next week’s Weekly Wednesday Webinar (June 26) via Zoom at 2:00pm Eastern Time. We will welcome Neva Fairchild of WayAround as she discusses the WayAround mobile app with a special focus on its use at the upcoming 79th National Convention.  WayAround is an app for your smart device that provides on-demand details about everyday things. The simple tag-and-scan approach lets you quickly and easily identify things around you. […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Happy Father’s Day to Our BVA Dads

Father’s Day is a time to celebrate dads everywhere. However, those who served our country in uniform deserve special appreciation for the unique challenges they faced while serving and for the Father’s Days they may have missed with their children growing up. Unbeknownst to most of us in 2024, the history of Father’s Day involves a dad who was also a veteran.  The Father’s Day holiday was first introduced in 1910 in Spokane, Washington, by […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

VetTech Next Week: Articulating Visual Information into Speech via Envision

Join the Blinded Veterans Association’s VetTech Team for its Weekly Wednesday Webinar on June 19 at 2:00pm. The Team will welcome Envision and the products that enable the unprecedented experience of unobtrusive access to the visual world and a new life of independence. Envision empowers people who are blind or who have low vision to access everyday visual information for themselves.  Not a BVA member? Not a problem! All VetTech sessions are open to everyone—blind […]

red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Mental Health in Service Animals the Topic of Next Week’s Dog Handler Meeting

Marisa Gerlach-Blanco, Service Dog Program Manager at Dogs, Inc. (formerly known as Southeastern Guide Dogs), will address the topic of anxiety and depression in service animals after the loss of a handler, or the handler’s retirement from work, and how to medically treat the animal.  All past, present, and prospective dog handlers among BVA’s blind and low vision veterans are invited to attend this Tuesday’s virtual meeting of the Dog Handlers Group, scheduled for 4:00pm […]