red, white, and blue star with initials B V A
Photo Caption: Back row, left to right, Bill Laughlin, Carolyn Graham, and Paul Mimms with guide dog Shadow. Frank Graham is seated in the motorized chair and, together with Paul, holds up the Braille flag for display.

On April 30, BVA National President Paul Mimms delivered a Braille flag to the Veterans Home in Cameron, Missouri, approximately an hour from his home in Kansas City. The donation was made on behalf of the Heartland Regional Group and as a tribute to his longtime neighbor and friend, Frank Graham, now a resident of the home. 

Accompanying Paul on the trip to Cameron was Frank’s wife, Carolyn, with fellow neighbor, friend, and Air Force veteran Bill Laughlin, who agreed to drive the three of them the approximately 55 miles to the northeast to visit Frank and present the flag.

“I’ve known Frank since I moved back to Kansas City 15 years ago and that’s really where my idea to do this originated,” said Paul. “I wanted to do something on behalf of my regional group and, at the same time, honor Frank for his service with something special to me.”

Although the ultimate destination of the flag within the facility had still not been determined at newsletter press time, word was that it would likely be placed in the veteran’s home chapel.