red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

A red book with a black graduation cap on top of it and a rolled up piece of paper next to the book. Text reads "Apply for scholarships"The BVA Auxiliary (BVAA) Scholarship Committee has reinstated the organization’s annual scholarship program to benefit spouses and generational children (child, grandchild, great-grandchild) of current or deceased BVA members. Effective for semesters during 2025-26, two $2,000 Feldman awards and one valued at $1,500 are open to full-time students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours during the academic year at an accredited vocational and/or technical school, community college, college, or university.

The applications are available via the dropdown menu under “Resources” on the Auxiliary webpage of the BVA site.

A champion advocate for blinded veterans, Renee Feldman was also a World War II U.S. Army veteran and part of the unique group of women who volunteered to serve at the time. She was a Staff Sergeant at European Theater of Operations Headquarters from 1943-45, stationed in both Salisbury, England, and Rheims, France. In 1950, she married Leon Feldman, also a World War II veteran who later experienced sight loss and became a BVA member. In 1977, she co-founded the BVA Auxiliary along with two other spouses of BVA members.

Renee spent dozens of years volunteering with the American Red Cross, Girl Scouts of America, the American Cancer Society, Harrisburg State Hospital, Meals on Wheels, and BVA regional groups and Auxiliary regional groups in Pennsylvania and Florida. She passed away in 2012 shortly after her 100th birthday.

Scholarship applicants are responsible for ensuring that the required transcripts, documents, letters of reference, and a 300-word essay reach Committee Chairperson Debbie Frick by May 1, 2025. Questions and requests for additional details may be directed to Debbie at 325-234-4550 or

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