Observance of National Braille Literacy Month in January raises awareness of the importance of Braille to the blind and visually impaired community, examining important events that pre-date the more publicized Louis Braille invention of the tactile system.
As audio technology has progressed, the use of Braille has inevitably dwindled. This trend is especially evident in the community of blind and visually impaired veterans during the past 20 years. However, the significance and use of Braille continue to endure within the blind community, especially in the workplace and the classroom.
Now that Braille has been incorporated into digital devices and computers, it is believed to be even more accessible and relevant than ever in a technology-driven world. National Braille Literacy Month seeks to educate people about the current importance and advantages of Braille literacy.
Additional resources about Braille are available courtesy of Paths to Literacy (link below), a website designed for teachers, families, and others interested in literacy for people with visual impairments.