Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Program Director of Ophthalmology Services Glenn C. Cockerham, MD will speak at a Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) webinar October 15, National White Cane Day Awareness Day, at 12:30pm Eastern Daylight Time.
BVA members, their families, VA employees, and other stakeholders in the field of blind rehabilitation are invited to attend Dr. Cockerham’s briefing. He will explore current research trends and advances in the field of ophthalmology and provide an overview of VA’s ophthalmology workload in the areas of veteran encounters and surgeries, focusing specifically on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on scheduled surgeries and telehealth encounters. He will also address and eye and vision complications with potential links to COVID-19.
Supporting and sponsoring the Zoom session are En-Vision America, the National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, OrCam Technologies, BOSMA Enterprises, The Independence Fund, GEICO MILITARY, Vispero, LS&S, SAIC, and EXCELITAS TECHNOLOGIES. The interactive format of the session will follow that of the presentations BVA hosted in August and September, including a question and answer period after Dr. Cockerham’s remarks.
Following Dr. Cockerham, attendees will receive a briefing courtesy of En-Vision America, originator of the ScripTalk system, a prescription reader available to blind and visually impaired veterans through VA Blind Rehabilitation Service. Richie Lefebvre, a manager with En-Vision America, will discuss the rollout of the new ScripTalk Station 2.0. He will highlight the key benefits and differences compared to the previous model and discuss the new VA-enabled ScripTalk Mobile Application as an effective alternative to the ScripTalk Station when veterans are on the road and traveling. He will provide a brief demonstration of the App, followed by a question and answer period.
During his current appointment, Dr. Cockerham has also served as the Acting Chief Consultant, Specialty Care Services, at the VA Central Office in Washington, DC. He was also the Interim Deputy Director at the Department of Defense/VA Vision Center of Excellence in 2015-16. Prior to becoming National Program Director, Dr. Cockerham was the Chief of Eye Care Service in the VA Palo Alto Health Care System in 2011-12 and the Chief of Ophthalmology in the same system from 2004 until 2011.
Dr. Cockerham’s list of peer-reviewed publications, published abstracts, committees and work groups, contributions to book chapters, invited lectures, national presentations, journal reviews, and courses taught fills several pages. He earned a Bachelor of Science with distinction from the University of Mississippi, a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine in Jackson, a Flexible Internship at the Malcolm Grow U.S. Air Force Medical Center at Andrews Air Force Base, and his Residency at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC.
For information on additional White Cane Awareness Day activities transmitted virtually on or around October 15, visit the Events page of the BVA website.
The Blinded Veterans Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Glenn Cockerham, MD
Time: Oct 15, 2020 12:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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