The Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) took a leading role this past summer at the Workshop on Veterans’ Access to Health Care presented by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The two-day virtual workshop afforded BVA Executive Director Donald D. Overton, Jr. the opportunity to represent the interests of veterans and Veterans Service Organizations during the program.
The event examined patient-centered methods to optimize access to high-quality health care for veterans. It featured invited presentations and discussions on strategies for conceptualizing and measuring access, strategies for increasing access capacity, the needs of special populations, and priorities for the future.
For a copy of the workshop’s Proceedings in Brief (PIB), entitled Developing a Patient-Centered Approach to Optimizing Veterans’ Access to Health Care Services, click here. The PIB summarizes the presentations and discussions from the event. A comprehensive resource that includes slides and notes from most of the presentations is available by clicking here.
To view a short video of a few highlights from the workshop, including a soundbite from Don’s presentation, click here.