Representatives from Boundless will address the unparalleled selection of Assistive Technology and customer support options offered by the company to the blind and low vision.
Remember to join the Blinded Veterans Association’s VetTech Team tomorrow (Wednesday, May 24) in the customary 2:00pm time slot (Eastern Time) via Zoom. We will welcome Dennis Moulton and Donny Osborn, Sales and Marketing Managers for the Oregon-based Boundless Assistive Technology. The link to the virtual session is located below.
The Assistive Technology industry can present users with life-transforming opportunities when the product or service offered is appropriately matched with effective support resources. Boundless has a reputation for successfully providing such resources when needed. For that reason, many Blind Rehabilitation Service (BRS) Programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) rely on the company to deliver Assistive Technology to our veterans.
Please do not miss this VetTech session! Participants will receive:
- An overview of Boundless Assistive Technologies.
- Information about Assistive Technology that veterans typically receive from Boundless.
- Customer support tools offered to Boundless clients.
- A description and an explanation of the new BAT mobile application, an iOS tool that assists Boundless iPhone and iPad customers with device support and assistance.
A Thursday, May 25, VetTech Talk session at the same 2:00pm starting time will address the use of Microsoft Teams on MacOS. With the Teams platform almost universally used now within VA and BVA for project communications, calendars, document collaboration, and meetings, it has become the next need-to-know solution just as Zoom was at the onset of the pandemic in 2020. The Thursday format is more informal and conversational than that of the Weekly Wednesday Webinar.
All VetTech webinar and talk sessions are open to everyone, including but not limited to blind and low vision veterans, family members, caregivers, blind rehabilitation specialists, and all other parties interested in assistive, adaptive, and accessible technology that empowers independence.
Can’t make it to the live session? No problem! VetTech is now available as its own podcast on major platforms. Catch up on missed Weekly Wednesday Webinar recordings as well as original content published solely on the podcast. You can listen to the series by asking your smart speaker, Siri or Alexa, to “play the latest episode of the Blinded Veterans Association’s VetTech Podcast.” You can also follow the channel through Apple Podcast, Google Play, and Amazon Music.
The following information and link will connect you to both the Wednesday presentation and the less formal Thursday discussion.
The Blinded Veterans Association is inviting you to two scheduled Zoom meetings.
Topics: VetTech and VetTech Talk
Dates and Times:
- Wednesday, May 24: 1400 Hours Daylight Standard Time (US and Canada), 1300 Hours Central Time, 1200 (Noon) Mountain Time, and 1100 Pacific Time
- Thursday, May 25: 1400 Hours Eastern Daylight Time (US and Canada), 1300 Hours
Central Time, 1200 (Noon) Mountain Time, and 1100 Pacific Time
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