Dear Blinded Veterans Association Family,
The time has once again arrived when we gather around the table with our families and friends, pausing to reflect on the things for which we are most thankful. Beyond our own needs, we are mindful of those less fortunate and struggling in our own country and throughout the world.
The Thanksgiving holiday can serve as an invitation to rededicate ourselves in our own unique ways to make a difference to the most vulnerable members of our communities. The difference you have made in the lives of our veterans instills in us a deep sense of gratitude for your support. Our entire team sincerely wishes you and your family an enjoyable and Happy Thanksgiving.
This year, in addition to family and friends, I am grateful personally for the privilege of serving you, our members and supporters, as BVA’s Director of Development. It is an honor to associate with our dedicated members, always impressive in their genuine interest in and concern for one another. Equally impressive are BVA’s national and regional group leaders, committee volunteers, staff, and generous donors who continuously inspire me and frequently make possible the seemingly impossible.
With your help and support, BVA’s Veterans Service Program has represented hundreds of veterans in the VA claims process to secure the already established benefits that they have rightfully earned through their military service. The organization’s newly developed Ambassador training program will result in additional levels of support that will help locate and provide information to many more veterans with sight loss who may not currently be able to access such benefits.
Next week marks another special time of year when people worldwide come together to support the causes closest to their hearts. Your tax-deductible gift to BVA on #GivingTuesday will bring veterans the hope that there is life after sight loss and possibilities beyond what they may have previously imagined, and that loss of sight is in no way the loss of opportunity.
Demonstrating to our brave military veterans that life is worth living is a blessing to them as well as to those who give. You need not wait until #GivingTuesday to support BVA’s vital mission and the often vulnerable but self-reliant men and women the organization serves. Please consider today a gift to BVA of $5, $10, $20, or more. For so many, the hope you give them is the main source of brightness they will experience for years to come. Click here to make a donation now.
With gratitude,
Meredith Buono-DaGrossa
Director of Development