By Chaplain Kennith Harvey
Happy Thanksgiving to Blinded Veterans Association leaders, members, families, and the patriots who have supported and befriended this unique body of our nation’s veterans.
Ask and you shall receive the blessings of God. As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday and the accompanying festivities, we are reminded that this is a time of giving and that the “thanks” is accompanied and surrounded by giving. Our Father simply wants active military, veterans, and their families to recognize those who need to hear their voices and to act upon that recognition by sharing something of themselves.
Please remember also at present the POWs and MIAs across our great nation who have given so much to protect America. Their service remains an act of GIVING! Remember all who are sick and shut in. Pray throughout the day of Thanksgiving, sharing your thoughts quietly with the Almighty while feasting.
Those of you who will be traveling, please do so safely. When you reach your destination, embrace all that you receive and enjoy on this blessed day.
As your National Chaplain with the trust Our Father has in me to serve you, I again wish you all a wonderful, uplifting day known as Thanksgiving.