red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

The BVA Women Veterans Group was created to serve, support, and promote camaraderie among blinded and now low vision women veterans through awareness and advocacy efforts affecting their health and welfare. The regularly scheduled general membership virtual meeting occurs on the fourth Thursday of each month via Zoom. 

The next general meeting to which all women veterans are invited and urged to attend is scheduled for this Thursday, June 22, at 6:00pm Eastern Time. The group will welcome Marc Arneson, Director of Community at Hadley, as he discusses how the services and instruction provided by Hadley can help women veterans discover new ways to do things that have become more challenging with vision loss, and to help them eventually thrive at home, at work, and in their communities.

For both a link and information on joining the meeting using a personal computer, laptop, iOS device, or landline telephone, click here.