red, white, and blue star with initials B V A
Guide dog Tavi sitting and looking at the camera. He is wearing his harness.
Guide dog Tavi sitting and looking at the camera. He is wearing his harness.

Earlier this week many of you celebrated Valentine’s Day with heart-shaped treats and boxes of chocolate.  February 14 is all about love, but I wanted to send another important message. 
More than half of humans in the U.S. receive chocolate for Valentine’s Day. While humans love chocolate, it can be easy to forget how toxic it can be for dogs like me. Even sneaking a little bit can do harm. The chemical in chocolate called theobromine, harmless for humans, is toxic for our four-legged friends. We have been known to cleverly use our paws and noses to get into the boxes of chocolate.   
Please make sure that any chocolate you receive is put under lock and key! If your dog does consume any chocolate, seek veterinary help immediately. Time is crucial.  
Hugs and kisses are the perfect gift for me. This goes for any day but especially for Valentine’s Day.
If you are a BVA member and are interested in having your dog similarly featured in the Ambassadog Scoop Series, please send a message via email to with your contact information, a brief introduction of my fellow guide dog, and a photo or two.