red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

The BVA 78th National Convention had many success stories but none more compelling than those emanating from a record number of sponsored meals and activities, along with a heavily trafficked Exhibit Hall comprised of 45 booths. Although three additional sponsors did not purchase booth space, all were an integral part of the convention and crucially important in their support. Major event sponsors in chronological order of event were:

            Hotel Orientation Using Navigation Technology, conducted by WayAround

            Bow Wow Lounge, sponsored by Waymo and PetsMart of the St. Louis District

            BVA Registration, sponsored by Waymo and PetsMart of the St. Louis District

            Service Dog Walk, sponsored by Waymo and HumanWare

            Rollin’ on the Riverboat Cruise, sponsored by Vispero

            Exhibitor and BVA Member Breakfast, sponsored by Bosma

            Missouri Botanical Garden, sponsored by Oracle Health

            Tuesday Lunch and Learn, sponsored by WayAround

            Ambassador Breakfast and Ceremony, sponsored by OrCam

            Wednesday Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Oracle Health

            Flamingo Bowl Dinner and Bowling Event, sponsored by Foreseeable Future Foundation and                   HumanWare

            BVA Member Good Morning Breakfast, sponsored by National Association of Blind Merchants

            Father Carroll Luncheon, sponsored by Dot Incorporation

            Awards Banquet, sponsored by Vanda Pharmaceuticals

Additional expressions of well-deserved thanks and appreciation to all will be forthcoming in the days, weeks, and months ahead, but, for now, we can only say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what made the BVA 78th National Convention possible.