All past, present, and future dog handlers among BVA’s blind and low vision veterans are encouraged to join the September 19 meeting via Zoom at 4:00pm Eastern Time. The meeting is open to all veterans with sight loss who are interested in topics and issues associated with guide dogs. Attendance at previous meetings is not required to join and participate. Although interested dog handlers met in person at the 78th National Convention last month, the meeting will be the first virtual meeting since July 18.
As announced by newly elected BVA National President Paul Mimms, the group to convene will heretofore be called the Dog Handlers Group with a steering committee overseeing and leading the activities and discussions of the group.
Please share the meeting information and link freely. The sessions generally last approximately 90 minutes. For additional information from the Dog Handlers Group webpage under “Membership,” click here. To enter the September 19 meeting directly, click here.