If your vision is 20/400 or worse, you may be eligible to take part in a patient focus group organized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Institutes for Research (AIR). The interactions last about one hour and will take place at an accessible location in your area or via Zoom. Participants will receive $75.
The purpose of the research is to understand the experiences of individuals with profound sight loss—occurrences following loss of sight, impacts to daily life, and changes in the direction of life following sight loss. A secondary focus is trauma-induced sight loss relating to genetic and age-related conditions. Although AIR contacted BVA for assistance in identifying persons with trauma-related profound sight loss, the causes of the loss are not limited to trauma. The objective is to help FDA improve treatments for vision loss.
Interested potential participants should complete an online screener here. Questions can be sent to Project Director Dr. Coretta Lankford at 202-403-6959 or at pvlstudy@air.org.