Don’t overlook or forget to join the Blinded Veterans Association’s VetTech Team tomorrow (Wednesday, June 14) for the initiative’s Weekly Wednesday Webinar in the usual 2:00pm time slot (Eastern Time) via Zoom. We will welcome Liz Whitaker, Product Manager for User Education and Outreach at Vispero. Liz will outline the techniques available for making work with PDFs a breeze rather than an exercise in frustration, as has been the case for many with sight loss. Whether you are reading a “how to” guide or attempting to complete an online form, interacting with PDFs is a critical skill to acquire.
Please do not miss this VetTech session! Participants will learn:
- How to interact with and read a PDF.
- How to complete a fillable PDF.
- How to leverage the Convenient OCR (Optical Character Recognition), a feature built into JAWS, to recognize or convert a PDF to a Word document.
- How to use other advanced features to successfully interact with PDFs.
A Thursday, June 15, VetTech Talk session at the same 2:00pm starting time will recap the previous day’s webinar and continue the conversation about PDFs. The session will review the tips and tricks Liz presented the previous day and how to perform similar functions using other platforms.
To enter either, or both, of the upcoming Wednesday or Thursday sessions using the same Zoom meeting link and information, click here. For additional information about the Weekly Wednesday Webinar or VetTech Talk, click here.
All VetTech webinar and talk sessions are open to everyone, including but not limited to blind and low vision veterans, family members, caregivers, blind rehabilitation specialists, and all other parties interested in assistive, adaptive, and accessible technology that empowers independence.
Can’t make it to the live session? No problem! VetTech is now available as its own podcast on major platforms. Catch up on missed Weekly Wednesday Webinar recordings as well as original content published solely on the podcast. You can listen to the series by asking your smart speaker, Siri or Alexa, to “play the latest episode of the Blinded Veterans Association’s VetTech Podcast.” You can also follow the channel through Apple Podcast, Google Play, and Amazon Music.
The following information and link will also connect you to both the Wednesday presentation and the less formal Thursday discussion.
The Blinded Veterans Association is inviting you to two scheduled Zoom meetings.
Topics: VetTech and VetTech Talk
Dates and Times:
- Wednesday, June 14: 1400 Hours Daylight Standard Time (US and Canada), 1300 Hours Central Time, 1200 (Noon) Mountain Time, and 1100 Pacific Time
- Thursday, June 15: 1400 Hours Eastern Time (US and Canada), 1300 Hours Central Time, 1200 (Noon) Mountain Time, and 1100 Pacific Time
Join Zoom Meeting
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