The changing of the seasons has ignited the already high energy level of members of the Louisiana/Mississippi Regional Group when it comes to their visibility and demonstrable generosity in local communities of both of the states they cover. They continue their quest to place Bronze Braille American Flags and accompanying plaques throughout Louisiana, at the same time securing proclamations honoring National Blinded Veterans Day from the Louisiana governor and several cities in Louisiana and Mississippi.
On March 11, a flag and plaque were presented to Brian Fremin, Administrator of the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Home in Reserve, Louisiana. The Home is one of five managed by the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs and houses more than 125 veterans and their spouses. Two of the five now have Braille Flags.
On March 28, the regional group dedicated another flag, this one sponsored by the Lafayette Lions Club, to the Lafayette City/Parish government. Accepting both the flag and plaque was Mayor Monique Blanco Boulay, who in turn presented regional group secretary Shawntina Gibson with a proclamation for Blinded Veterans Day.
Tuesday, April 9 was an especially busy day and night. Yet another flag was presented to the Bogalusa, Louisiana, VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic. The donation was sponsored by NOH3, a nonprofit organization that has partnered with the regional group in other activities. NOH3 is home of the New Orleans Hash House Harriers, “a drinking club with a running problem.” Present were Southeast Louisiana Health Care System Director Fernando Rivera and the clinic’s staff. That evening, the group presented a flag to Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, Mayor Ricky Calais at a scheduled city council meeting. The flag and plaque were sponsored by the Breaux Bridge American Legion Post 578.
On April 19, regional group members Joe Burns and Gary Schoelerman, the masterminds behind most of the donations and sponsorships, spoke to the Metarie Mid-City Lions Club about BVA, what VA offers for low vision veterans, and the Braille Flag project. After some deliberation, the club’s chapter determined to purchase two Acrylic Braille Flags to be placed in the local public libraries.
Four organizations in the St. Martin Parish of Louisiana (Breaux Bridge Lions Club, the Parks American Legion Post #289, the St. Martins Rotary Club, and the Joie de Vivre Teresian Group) had previously offered to sponsor Acrylic Flags mounted on 16” X 22” boards for the parish’s four public libraries. The Lafayette Kiwanis Club has notified the regional group of its interest and intent to donate a bronze flag and a plaque to the main Lafayette Public Library.
“If all the current plans materialize, this will bring the total number of Braille Flags to 40 that the Louisiana/Mississippi Regional Group has donated in the last three and a half years,” said Gary. “We are predicting that this total will reach 50 by year’s end.”