red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

To eliminate access barriers to care for more than a half million veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is expanding its Clinical Resource Hubs (CRHs), which are currently in operation within all of VA’s 18 health care networks to offer a combination of in-person and telehealth care. According to BVA Chief of Staff Tim Hornik, BVA is in strong support of the expansion, which includes a series of CRH pilot programs within Blind Rehabilitation Service (BRS) that are providing Visual Impairment Services Team (VIST) and Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist (BROS) services to rural veterans whose VA Medical Centers lack these critical programs. 

“BRS CRHs are a vital resource, providing remote case management, support group meetings, and training for rural veterans who lack access to VIST and BROS programs to regain their independence,” Tim said. “We encourage all veterans to take advantage of the CRH programs.” 

For additional information about VA CRHs, click here