Jose Rivera-Barris, president of the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands Regional Group, is presently in training at the VA Gulf Coast Blind Rehabilitation Center in Biloxi, Mississippi. Jose and BVA National Secretary Tracy Ferro recently met two young Marines, PFC Jazmine Briones and PFC Elian Espinoza, currently stationed in Biloxi as they train in Meteorological Oceanographic Analyst Forecasting at the Keesler Air Force Base until their graduation next summer. The Marines were at the Base’s Exchange helping with the Toys for Tots Program when the four of them connected as instant friends. The rather random encounter so impressed Tracy that he reported it back to officers at the base and to BVA Happenings. See adjacent photo.
“The spirit of brotherhood between active duty, retired, and veterans in all branches of the United States military continues to grow stronger every year with donations of time and resources from individuals like this—and with the support of the U.S. Marine Corps,” Tracy wrote. “BVA and its officers proudly salute these efforts.”