red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

BVA 78th National Convention sponsor WayAround will present a tag-and-scan device while Dot, Inc. will describe the revolutionary DotPad’s capability for communication through touch.

Don’t forget to join the Blinded Veterans Association’s VetTech Team via Zoom for a unique double dose of technology tomorrow (Wednesday, August 2) at both 2:00pm and 7:00pm Eastern Time. The Team’s Weekly Wednesday Webinar will welcome representatives from WayAround at 2:00 and a leadership team from Dot, Inc. at 7:00. Links and information to enter both meetings, as well as a Thursday VetTech Talk session, are the same and provided below.

Together, the two sessions constitute the fourth and fifth in a series of webinars featuring sponsors and the respective technologies that will highlight the Exhibit Hall at the BVA 78th National Convention August 14-18 at the Marriott St. Louis Grand. The Exhibit Hall will be open Tuesday and Wednesday, August 15-16, of the convention week.

WayAround is a mobile application for a Smart device that provides on-demand details about everyday things. The tag-and-scan procedure allows the user to identify objects in the immediate area both quickly and accurately. The device can also provide additional details, such as how something operates or when it expires. WayAround allows users to do more of the things they wish to do with additional confidence and independence.

The DotPad is a product of Dot, Inc., a National Convention Platinum Sponsor. The device uses cutting-edge technology to enable users to feel handwriting, sketches, signatures, drawings, and much more. Attendees of the session who will also be at the convention will gain an idea of what they may expect from the device once they test it out in person in the Exhibit Hall.

Do not miss either of these two sessions. Participants will receive:

  • An overview of WayAround and its history.
  • Information about accessible labels for the blind, deafblind, and anyone with vision loss.
  • Instructions on obtaining, with the tap of a Smartphone, instant access to detailed, contextual signage about a specific item or location.
  • An overview of the DotPad.
  • New features coming soon to the DotPad.

A Thursday, August 3, less formal VetTech Talk session at the same 2:00pm starting time will recap and review both previous day’s presentations. The session will also offer an opportunity for open conversation among the attendees on any subject. Although there are two Wednesday Weekly Webinars this week, there is only one VetTech Talk session.

To enter any of the three sessions, use the same Zoom meeting link and information below, or simply click here. For additional information about the Weekly Wednesday Webinar or VetTech Talk, click here.

All VetTech webinar and talk sessions are open to everyone, including but not limited to blind and low vision veterans, family members, caregivers, blind rehabilitation specialists, and all other parties interested in assistive, adaptive, and accessible technology that empowers independence.

Can’t make it to the live session? No problem! VetTech is now available as a Podcast on major platforms. Catch up on missed Weekly Wednesday Webinar recordings as well as original content published solely on the Podcast. You can listen to the series by asking your Smart speaker, Siri or Alexa, to “play the latest episode of the Blinded Veterans Association VetTech Podcast.” You can also follow the channel through Apple Podcast, Google Play, and Amazon Music.

The following information and link connects you to the Wednesday presentations and Thursday’s VetTech Talk:

The Blinded Veterans Association is inviting you to scheduled Zoom meetings.

Topics: BVA VetTech and VetTech Talk

Dates and Times:

  • Wednesday, August 2: 1400 Hours Eastern Daylight Time (US and Canada), 1300 Hours Central Time, 1200 (Noon) Mountain Time, and 1100 Pacific Time
  • Wednesday, August 2: 1900 Hours Eastern Time (US and Canada), 1800 Hours Central Time, 1700 Hours Mountain Time, and 1600 Hours Pacific Time
  • Thursday, August 3: 1400 Hours Eastern Daylight Time (US and Canada), 1300 Hours Central Time, 1200 (Noon) Mountain Time, and 1100 Pacific Time

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