Financial Accountability

Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) is committed to the highest standards of professional, ethical, and
legal business conduct. We demonstrate this through public disclosure, responsible governance, sound
financial management and ethical fundraising. Our board of directors and staff take seriously our
responsibility to be here for good.

BVA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Veterans Service Organization.

Charity Navigator Three-Star Rating

Finanicial Statements

Download our most recent filings of the IRS Form 990 and our Consolidated Financial Statements (Audits).

IRS Form 990s

IRS Form 990 FY 2023 (PDF)

IRS Form 990 FY 2022 (PDF)

IRS Form 990 FY 2021 (PDF)

IRS Form 990 FY 2020 (PDF)

IRS Form 990 FY 2019 (PDF)

IRS Form 990 FY 2018 (PDF)

Consolidated Financial Statements (Audits)

Consolidated Financial Statement (Audit) FY 2023 (PDF)

Consolidated Financial Statement (Audit) FY 2022 (PDF)

Consolidated Financial Statement (Audit) FY 2021 (PDF)

Consolidated Financial Statement (Audit) FY 2020 (PDF)

Consolidated Financial Statement (Audit) FY 2019 (PDF)

Consolidated Financial Statement (Audit) FY 2018 (PDF)

Annual Reports

Annual Report FY 2022

Annual Report FY 2022 (PDF) (DOC)

Annual Report FY 2021

Annual Report FY 2021 (PDF) (DOC)

Annual Report FY 2020

Annual Report FY 2020 (PDF) (DOC)

Annual Report FY 2019

Annual Report FY 2019 (PDF) (DOC)

Annual Report FY 2018

Annual Report FY 2018 (PDF) (DOC)


Privacy Policy

How Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) Respects Your Privacy

Updated January 1, 2021


The Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) values your support and the trust you place in us. We have
created this Privacy Statement to address any concerns you may have about the way we use your
personal information.


If you have questions about this Privacy Statement or our use of your personal information, please
contact us by email at or write us at:


Blinded Veterans Association
ATTN: Database Manager
1101 King Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314


This Privacy Statement May Change


This Privacy Statement describes BVA’s current policies and practices with regard to the personal
information we collect from our donors, volunteers, supporters and visitors to this web site. As our
organization grows or laws change, we may need to update or revise this Privacy Statement.


Accordingly, we reserve the right to update or modify this Privacy Statement at any time, without prior
notice, by posting the revised version of this Privacy Statement on this web site. If we modify our Privacy
Statement, the modifications will apply only to the personal information we collect after we have posted
the revised Privacy Statement on this web site.


For your convenience, whenever this Privacy Statement is changed, we will alert you by posting a notice
on our home page for 60 days. If more than 60 days goes by between your visits to this web site, be sure
you review this Privacy Statement to see if it has been revised since your last visit.


Common Questions about Personal Information


What is Personal Information?
“Personal information” is information about an identified or identifiable individual. Your personal
information may include your name, address, e-mail address and/or phone number.


What Personal Information Does BVA Collect?

BVA collects the personal information you knowingly and voluntarily provide to us when you use this
web site, for example, the personal information you provide when you make a donation, register for an
event, volunteer your time, subscribe to our newsletter, or add your name to our mailing list.


How Does BVA Use Your Personal Information?

BVA uses your personal information for the purposes for which it was provided. For example, if you
subscribe to a newsletter, we use your contact information to mail or email the newsletter(s) to you. If
you volunteer to help us, we use information about your interests and skills to help you find the right
volunteer opportunity. We also use your personal information to compile statistics about our donors,
volunteers and other supporters. These statistics do not identify you personally.


We add the names and contact information we receive to our general mailing list. For example, if you
provide us with your name and address, you may receive periodic mailings from us with news and
information about BVA programs and events or containing requests for your support. If you do not wish
to receive these mailings from us, please contact us by email at or write us at:


Blinded Veterans Association
ATTN: Database Manager
1101 King Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314


Does BVA Share Personal Information With Others?

BVA shares the personal information it collects with third party vendors who act for or on behalf of BVA.
For example, when you make an online donation to BVA, a third party processes your donation on our
behalf. These third party vendors may need information about you in order to perform their functions.
These companies are not authorized to use your personal information for any other purpose.


There may be some other, limited circumstances in which we may share or transfer information in our
databases to an unrelated third party, for example, to comply with a legal requirement or court order;
to investigate a possible crime, such as credit card fraud; to protect the security of our web site and the
integrity of our databases; if we reorganize or merge with another organization, or in some similar


BVA does not rent, sell or share its mailing lists with other organizations.


Access to Your Personal Information

If your personal information changes or if you would like to review the personal information we may
have on file, please contact us by email at or write us at Blinded Veterans Association,
ATTN: Database Manager at 1101 King Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314. We will correct or delete
the personal information we have on file at your request. Please give us your full name and contact
information so that we can locate information about you in our files. It is also helpful if you let us know
what led you to submit personal information to us so that we can efficiently locate your personal
information in our files.


Technical Information Collected through is physically hosted by a third party provider and collects an IP address from all visitors
to our Site. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the
Internet. BVA uses IP addresses to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our Site, analyze
trends and deliver customized content. IP addresses are not linked to any of the user’s personal


Use of “Cookies” may use cookies to enhance a user’s experience. Cookies are pieces of information that
some Web sites transfer to the computer that is browsing that Web site. Use of cookies makes Web-
surfing easier by performing certain functions such as saving your passwords (not recommended), your
personal preferences regarding your use of the particular Web site, and to make sure you don’t see the
same ad repeatedly. Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard.


Your browser is probably set to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you
can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse
cookies, it is possible that some areas of our Site will not function properly when you view them.



When you supply credit card information through our web site, the transmission is protected by
requirements as established by the Payment Card Industry (PCI). You must understand, however, that
the Internet is inherently insecure and no web site operator can guarantee that a web site is completely
secure. BVA does not warrant that this web site is secure or “hackerproof”; you use this web site solely
at your own risk.


Links to Other Web Sites

This Privacy Statement applies only to this web site owned and operated by BVA. Our web site may
contain links to web sites that are not operated by BVA. These links are provided as a service and do not

imply any endorsement of the activities of these third-party web sites nor any association with their
operators. BVA does not control these web sites and is not responsible for their data practices. We urge
you to review the Privacy Statement posted on any web site you visit before using the web site or
providing any personal information about yourself.


Opt Out
BVA’s site gives you the option of not receiving additional information from us. If you do not want to
receive additional information, please contact us by email at or write us at:


Blinded Veterans Association
ATTN: Database Manager
1101 King Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314


This site has links to other Web sites whose privacy policies may differ from ours. BVA is not responsible
for the content or privacy practices of other Web sites.


Questions and Concerns

Your privacy is very important to us. We rely on the generosity and trust of our supporters and want to
make sure that your experience with BVA is as positive as possible. We do want to keep you updated on
the programs and services that BVA offers, however not at the expense of any personal information
concerns. If you have any concerns about the way BVA processes your personal information, please
contact us by email at or write us at:


Blinded Veterans Association
ATTN: Database Manager
1101 King Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314

Donor Bill of Rights

Donor Bill of Rights


To ensure that our donors and our prospective donors can have full confidence in their decision
to make a gift to Blinded Veterans Association (BVA), we fully support the following rights of our


  • To be informed of BVA’s mission, of the way BVA intends to use donated resources, and of BVA’s
    capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
  • To be informed of the identity of those serving on BVA’s governing board of directors, and to
    expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  • To have access to BVA’s most recent financial statements.
  • To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given so long as such
    purposes are in accordance with BVA’s values and mission.
  • To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
  • To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and confidentiality
    to the extent provided by law and in accordance with BVA’s values and mission.
  • To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the
    donor will be professional in nature.
  • To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of BVA or hired
  • To expect that their names will not be sold or shared outside of BVA.
  • To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and
    forthright answers.

The Donor Bill of Rights was developed by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Association
for Health Care Philanthropy, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, and the Giving
Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Are Essential for Our Mission


The Board of Directors and senior leadership recognize that the diversity of the community we serve
must be reflected in every aspect of our organization for Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) to have the

greatest impact with those we serve. Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is because of
our mission and is essential for our success.


We focus on adapting our behaviors to see and accept employees, clients, partners, and community
members who have different perspectives than our own. We understand that society has created
advantages for certain groups and not others; we find ways to see and change how we are making
decisions that impact marginalized or disadvantaged groups in unintended ways.


As an organization, we welcome the complexity that results because of the many differences that exist
among groups in one’s workplace: race, class, sexual orientation, ability, gender, etc. We believe our
diversity adds value and makes us stronger.


Diversity at BVA in 2021


As part of BVA’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, we hold ourselves accountable to retain
a workforce that is representative of our community’s diversity. We will continue to improve our
diversity data collection and reporting.



20-29 – 9%

30-39 – 9%

40-49 – 17%

50-59 – 26%

60-69 – 22%

70+ – 17%



Male – 61%

Female – 39%

Nonbinary / Transgender – 0%



Hispanic / Latino – 8%

Black – 38%

White – 42%

Two or more race – 12%

Asian – 0%

Alaskan Native – 0%

Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander – 0%

American Indian – 0%


Veteran Status:

Yes – 70%

No – 30%



Yes – 74%

No – 26%


Guiding Principles of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at BVA


BVA has a set of internal guiding principles that are aspirational and guide us in all of our respective
roles to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The application of these principles are alive in the
organization, and periodically reviewed by groups and work units across BVA to apply to their work, and
by the Association’s Executive Team, to ensure that we are challenging ourselves to continuously
improve diversity, equity, and inclusion.


BVA will deliver on its mission with a diverse, inclusive, and culturally competent workforce that
provides effective service to persons of all cultures and backgrounds. This will be achieved when those
who contribute to BVA’s mission can:


  • Adapt their thinking and behavior to see and accept the differences that exist because of the
    varied life experiences that each person brings
  • Challenge and grow in awareness about their own social groups and biases
  • Develop and implement policies and practices that advance equity
  • Handle intercultural conflict and address insensitive behaviors
  • Have access to resources and opportunities that advance their professional growth
  • Communicate with trust and respect toward others inside and outside of BVA
  • Feel encouraged and supported, with their culture seen as “value added”

These guiding principles reflect BVA’s intentions and commitment to be a diverse, inclusive, and
culturally competent organization in the roles outlined below. We use these principles as a guide for
how we operate in the community.


As a Service Provider


  • The cultural experience of those served will be respected, valued and used in meeting their
  • The diversity of those served will be considered in improving the effectiveness of the entire
  • We review the situations and circumstances of those who lack access or are from new, different
    or underserved groups, and make changes to service delivery to respond to those not currently
    served and also to inform systems change
  • We accept complexity and invest time and work to collaborate with people we serve and local
    leaders to honor the wisdom within every community


As an Employer


  • The cultural experiences and diversity of employees is respected, valued and leveraged in
    providing responsive, innovative and effective service
  • The organization regularly reviews employment policies and practices to determine where
    inequities may exist and finds ways to create practices that advance diversity, equity and
    inclusion while maintaining compliance with laws and regulations
  • Employees are respectful of each other and understand that harassment, discrimination, racism
    and oppression are not accepted in our workplace
  • Employees of all backgrounds have access, formal support and opportunity for growth and
  • Employees reflect the demographics of those being served
  • Employees have opportunity for continuous learning about systemic oppression, cultural
    competence and inclusiveness, and will be provided with resources and support to help them
    feel comfortable in expressing their own culture as well as understanding and engaging with
    other cultures


As a Community Participant


  • BVA is a part of the diverse fabric of the community and will be an engaged community-based
  • BVA shares with the larger community how it is doing related to internal diversity, equity,
    inclusion and cultural competency efforts
  • BVA uses its stature and resources to visibly promote and support diversity, equity and inclusion
  • BVA uses its position and resources to speak out against overt and systemic racism and


As an Economic Entity


  • BVA promotes the inclusion of businesses owned by people of color, persons with disabilities
    and/or women in its purchases of outside services/materials/consulting and contracts
  • BVA regularly assesses the economic impact of Association policies on its lowest paid employees
  • BVA regularly assesses how the use of its resources can help to meet the needs of a diverse
  • BVA builds engagement and support from a diverse group of donors, volunteers, funders, and
    others who have the capacity to give and support its work
Whistleblower Policy

Whistleblower Policy


This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable Blinded Veterans Association (BVA)
employees and volunteers to raise serious concerns within BVA prior to seeking resolution outside the
organization. BVA’s Board of Director members (directors), officers, and employees need to observe
high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities.


Reporting Responsibility
It is the responsibility of all directors, officers, and employees to comply with BVA policies and all
applicable laws and regulations, and report violations or suspected violations in accordance with this
Whistleblower Policy.


No Retaliation
No director, officer, or employee who in good faith reports a suspected violation shall suffer
harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment consequence based on the reporting of such a
violation. An employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is
subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.


Reporting Suspected Violations
Employees: BVA has an open door policy and encourages employees to share their questions, concerns,
suggestions, or complaints with someone who can address them properly.


Board Members: Board of Director members are required to report suspected violations of BVA policies
or relevant laws and regulations to the BVA Executive Director and/or Board Chair.

Should BVA employees or board members feel that the process to report and/or investigate Code
violations is inadequate; individuals can contact the Virginia Attorney General Office.


Acting in Good Faith
Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation must be acting in good faith and
have reasonable grounds for believing there is indication of a violation. Any allegations that prove not to
be substantiated and which prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be
viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.


Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant or may
be submitted anonymously. Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to an
extent possible that is consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
