red, white, and blue star with initials B V A

Veterans may be largely unaware of the option of a personal home when they are no longer able to safely live independently in the community. VHA’s Medical Foster Home (MFH) program offers a type of Community Residential Care (CRC) home chosen by veterans with serious chronic disabling conditions that meet nursing home level of care needs but who prefer a non-institutional setting for their long-term care.

MFH brings together a person who is willing to open their home and serve in the role of a strong family caregiver with 24-hour supervision as well as needed personal assistance. The program also involves a VA MFH Coordinator who manages the program and a VA interdisciplinary home care team that provides care in the home and training to the MFH caregiver. The MFH is matched with the veteran’s physical, social, and emotional needs, including supervision and protection.

MFH is operational or developing at least 161 VA sites in 50 states and territories, with expansion to all VA Medical Centers by the end of 2025.

For more information about this unique VHA program, click here. For a complete list of VA Medical Centers nationwide currently affiliated with an MFH program, click here.